Friday, 27 April 2012

Been a while.

I'm sorry I stopped posting. I figured I'm the last one alive who the hell am I writing for?

Then I remembered an old theory prevalent among those in the know about the fears.

The theory, based on the strange phenomenon that seems to let us read and communicate with stories of the fears obviously taking place in other universes, hypothesizes that somehow knowledge of the fears connects us even through universal boundaries. Some force connects us and makes sure that we will always be able to read each others stories.

With that in mind I will continue writing for anyone who may be reading this from a universe luckier than my own. Perhaps even some less lucky.

So to get you up to date. I am not on an island or at least if I am it's a rather big island. One also inhabited.

I ran into three ordinary looking people. All three however were quite obviously infected. They moved as one and didn't speak at all. I watched them for a bit. they moved in a rather predictable pattern and I was able to sneak past them with little difficulty. I also ran into some infected animals. There's a strangeness about infected animals that is well documented in this universe. They do not pass on the infection. Instead they merely act like normal animals with insatiable blood lust. I had to fight and kill one of the creatures but was able to outrun the others.

That's all the interesting things that happened.

Oh er except there have been an abnormal number of low level earthquakes recently. Well I assume abnormal. I still don't know where I am. Maybe earthquakes every five minutes is normal here. 

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